Mythic World

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Mythic World

Post by foxcatdog »

I made lore for the minecraft world (which probably won't happen since i didn't see enough interest in it).

History (Taken from an Elven Tomb of Lore)
The world begins with the birth of the two great dragons known in the elven tongue as Namía and Orunei. Whereas Namía was drawn to unchanging things like the void her sister desired change and so began creating spirits but they fizzled out and died as there was nothing for them to interact with. Realising she could not create anything to entertain her alone she asked for the help of her sister and she responded by creating the Encircling Heavens through which she set in slow but eternal motion as well as clouds to give her spirits something to latch onto. From this Orunei continued further and created a dance of spirits known as Ariteni who swirled the matter of the clouds into shape and sang in a beautiful but cacophonous voice for more, more, more and so their mother created more matter taking her sisters idea of solidity and transferring it into solid matter which could be molded with hands. Seeing this her sister Namía began shaping the heavens above and populated it with spirits of her own known as Aridanno and began creating the high heavens with them. Her sister responded in kind and began forging the earth but feared her sister's order would make it wither and die. Little did she know her sister used just a little of her chaos to give her spirits independent thought and they also had little mastery over her earth but bent hearts and the light of heaven. So the twin of freedom attacked her foe declaring her an enemy of the world and its future inhabitants. For a thousand years they fought away from the earth and heavens but eventually Namía defeated Orunei. She spared her sister but she was tired after her fight so she slept for another thousand years.

From the Elven Hymns

nasa násuli naránya sama tútan né siskása ta anarésa ṡuláuṡioṡi ṅáráma ta takíṡini PERF-wake new+when COP and domain+over+over world+AUG and
“When she awoke anew she was far larger than her sister and she now had domain over and over the great world and its things”

She decided she had to take responsibility for the world but not after seeking the guidance of her sister but she would sleep for another thousand years and so she waited and during this time she made herself pregnant and the first of her sons Mastenane “Tranquil One” or Maiár “the Mighty” was born before her sister awoke. Mastenane was tranquil like his mother and rarely played under her guidance but watched the world from afar. When Orunei awoke he accompanied his mother to greet her and there he spoke his name in his own tongue Sarynná from where we get the words Sari “first”. He was eager to hear his aunt's plans for the world and she told of a peopling of the world who would honour his siblings and make use of the bounty of the world and shape it into new and fine forms but also lead lives of fate and happenstance but also good will towards others. With that his mother gave birth to another child Nahtanani who although she was young shone bright with great light never seen before. Maiár was eager to create a world but her sister checked her with the words Na Inò “not yet” and her mother complied saying she felt she had not given birth to enough children. They took after each other and in time Maiár grew to love his sister but it was unrequited and he never confessed waiting for her to as he hoped she would.

Namía had six more children including the mother of our own people Yaréisa and it was then she decided she had enough. Her children were of shadow, light, earth, fire, water, ice, storm and spirit and they descended to the world to shape it as they see fit. It was here they encountered the great dragon of the skies Nanayei who gave the world wind in its encircling air and held the greatest of the Ariteni known as Mano in our tongue as her herald. She greeted each of the other dragons as her kin as she like all the earliest dragons had no other form and naively offered Maiár her hand as she was drawn to his might and even though he initially refused as he still had love for Nahtanani she eventually won him over. She fell in love and mated with him, creating their first child Arwenge who ruled the birds of the world. Eventually Nahtanani fell in love with Rautainá and mated, giving birth to 5 children. First Marasa who’s light shined so bright it dwarfed her mother, next Auloiná the great smith who forged the volcanoes of the world, next Tahtiaulo who granted us the stars which were set in the sky before we awoke, next Náryanna who burns with the fire of sacred flames and finally Iloun the beloved who shone with a light so pure it could banish nearly any evil in one’s heart. Though it had not yet come to pass Sarynna would grow to resent him most of all as in him he saw the pure love he felt for his first sister once.

Later Sjénaina paired with Ceruiná and Tulimari paired with Galacrá but before the dragons set about forging the earth under the guidance of their mother and under the will of Orunei. Rautainá forged the fire and inner core of the world and shaped the movements of the continents, Ceruiná his brother fashioned the seas, Nanayei granted the air and weather of the world while Galacrá granted it power and energy as well as the lightning of storms, Sjénaina granted it cold and the great ices of the north as well as abatement from death. Yaréisa our mother fashioned the animals and trees of the world while her sister Tulimari granted them independence of thought and would wait to give the children of the world spirits which would shape their destinies as intended by Orunei while Nahtanani brought light to the world and granted the laws of society to our own group of elves. Finally Maiár made the shadows and depths of the world and granted a great part of his power to his kin so he had power over every part of the world especially the sea as it was the largest of the worlds realms.

All was not well in heaven however for rumours grew amongst the spirits that their mother had abandoned them and created the earth to surpass them and so the greatest of them Aldán talked to his Ariteni kin and convinced many of those who hadn’t fell in league with the great dragons to kill others of their kin to grant him their powers. And so a thousand Ariteni were sacrificed and Aldán grew to be a dark lord of matter, lord of the world.

Next Namía asked her child of light to create life as she shone with pure intention but Maiár rebuked his mother saying he came first. His mother responded saying she intended his children to be last as he had not heard of his aunt’s plan before he was born but Nanayei responded that her children should be last as she never heard her aunt's plans before living within the world. And so Nahtanani created her children out of iron will and light and they shone so bright they made other creatures of the world turn in fear or awe. She called them to Andewe or bright in her own words and they were alike spirits and not men so couldn’t breed. Her mother rebuked her saying these would be no good for the world but she could not bring them to destroy them so she made them the guards of heaven. She then began creating her own spirits to serve the dragons known as Kobolds and then created Drakes to mate with unpaired female dragons as male dragons were few in number. She then summoned the third of her children Yaréisa but before she could devise children of her own Aldán marred the world splitting apart its continents and creating chaos in its seas. For a hundred years war raged between him and the Dragons but he was eventually defeated by Maiár who was mightier than even him. And so he cursed his name and he became known as Galáran in our tongue. For this task he would feel he was thankless in time although his siblings admired him for his strength.

I got more vague lore planned including Iloun’s pairing to Orunei and the eventual creation of a land of bliss for the races of the world set alight by four great lamps which was eventually destroyed in Orunei’s rage after her lover was killed in another battle with Galáran who was subsequently reduced to a ghost Dulomai. Namía stops her sister by expending her power to resurrect Iloun along with everyone lost in the destruction of the land and the Dragons remake the world and create the sun and moon and the later races awake in this period. However Maiár eventually rebels (or probably already has) and strikes against the peoples of the world (or maybe he repents before the beginnings of the first age or perhaps after his next escapade). Also probably we see the rise of a new villain, a former elf who turned to dark magic.

Most of these names are in Proto Elven if you couldn't tell.
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Re: Mythic World

Post by foxcatdog »

Tolkien never finished his Elven languages so the goal here is to make a similar language with pretty aesthetics but more complete. I am also a sonorant fan. Voiced and Voiceless stops are in complementary distribution everywhere but in onsets without a preceding coda. Otherwise voiceless stops occur when not between 2 voiced elements and voiced stops occur otherwise. Syllable structure is C(w, y)VC maximally. There used to be a phoneme *z in the earliest speech but this was lost before the break up of Elven Dialects becoming *r in between vowels and *s otherwise.

Proto Elven

*b *d *j *g *ɢ
*p *t *ċ *c *q
*s *ṡ *h
*r *l *l̇
*w *y
*m *n *ṅ

The voiced stops are unstable here merging with nasals in Wood Elven while becoming fricatives in Snow Elven. Light Elven undergoes the chain shift of Voiced > Voiceless > Aspirated. Sea Elven keeps them but later dialects would merge them with approximants and voiceless stops in many positions.

Proto Elven has a standard 5 vowel system where any vowel can be long (which is marked by an acute as long vowels carry a high tone and correspond to both high tone and long vowels in borrowings from Draconic).

Basic Phrasing
ana lútí yarímis nátulla o
NSN wolf-PL fruit+INST PST-came NSN
“The wolves came with fruits”

Noun Morphology

Marked by ablaut in words ending in a vowel and loss of a final consonant in words ending in a consonant.

Proto Elven also features possessive affixes.

Noun Cases
Proto Elven has many cases, a total of 19. 5 Role Cases the Nominative, Accusative, Dative, Genitive and Construct. 5 Use cases the Instructive, Instrumental, Essive, Translative and Exessive and finally 9 Locative Cases representing 3 states Entering, Resting and Leaving and 3 locations of Inner, Outer and Under.

Case Usage
Used for direct objects of verbs.

náwane mioan tú
hunt+man animal-ACC chase
“The hunter chases the animal”

Used for the beneficiary of any sentence.

nasa lehtan peronaisa birin leaf-ACC give
“She gave a leaf to her son”

Also known as the adjectival it marked the origin of something.

di cáramiun amani ṡinawi tulla
DEM.1-INA order+NOM elf-PL settlement-GEN come
“This order comes from the elves of the settlement”

As well it marked use of a noun as an adjective.

tahnanni rauta
shine-CONS metal
“Metal’s glow”

tahnan rautawi
shine metal-GEN
“Metallic glow”

The genitive is not used for standard possessive suffixes instead here you use the Construct.

Used to mark a noun modified by another noun. Normally it can’t occur with the genitive except in cases of 3 or more nouns in a single phrase.

pilani oro náwowi
hair-CONS wife hunter-GEN

Used to mark the means or manners by which an action was achieved. Sometimes replaces the genitive in use particularly when speaking of shape, space or time.

nársati awataiasú laulaa
princess wake+day-STRC sing
“The princess sings during the first day of the week”

maimasú arné auṡi
power-STRC domain-ACC be.over
“I have power over my domain”

neriesú dulin né kipin
rain-STRC heavy PRED arrow
“It was a heavy rain of arrows”

balá yalkeunni pirésú taita
wanderer/traveler walk+NOM-CONS length-INST go
“The wanderer goes for long walks”
“Lit. “the wanderer goes by means of walking with length”

Besides this the Instructive also marks the objects of certain verbs

neriesú atri in
rain-STRC drink here
“I drink rain here”

Used for any objects by which something is achieved or alternatively something which is travelled with.

lútí yarímis nátulla
wolf-PL fruit-INST PERF-come
“The wolves came with fruits”

Note when used with expressions which are better expressed using a Translative it represents clumsy usage but still achieving its goals.

mano monamimis tiama
manwe care-INST CONT-speak
“Manwe spoke clumsily”
“Manwe spoke untactifully or direcly but got his point across”

The essive was used to say something was like or being something, alternatively it described states of being.

“I am a wolf”

nasa násuli naránya sama tútan né siskása ta anarésa ṡuláuṡioṡi ṅáráma ta takíṡini PERF-wake new+when COP and domain+over+over world+AUG and
“When she awoke anew she was far larger than her sister and she now had domain over and over the great world and its things”

Indicated the act of changing into something or assuming the guise.

wa yarétino matan tweli
let fruit-TRANS meal-ACC twist-SUB
“Let’s turn fruits into meals”

Indicated a change into something. This does not co-occur with the translative

veri tullasi ja nánate amanirine sántasi
blood come-FUT PERF-spill elf-PL-EXES arrive-FUT
“From the blood that you spilled will come the elves”

Marked location in something both physically and metaphorically

danneti né talosyá wi
child-PL PRED house-LOC
“There are children in my house”

nai nárya pesyanyá titálai
DEM.1-ANI fire heart-LOC CONT-burn
“This fire burns in my heart”

Alative and Illative
Marked motion out of and into respectively.

mannere auróepaka sjénapamu nácape
bird sky-ALA sea-ILL PERF-leap
“The bird leapt out of the sky and into the sea”

Alternatively they express moving away from or coming towards a metaphorical state”

nasa nípaku sé nárini ku nítwe papa bettimu knowledge-ALA much PERF-lose as word PROG-mix water-LAT
“She lost much of her understanding as words mixed into water”

wa caprespamu l̇oca
let deer-ILL find
“Let’s get to the bottom of this”
“lit Let’s find the deer”

(I haven't yet done the last 6 cases but will at a later date).

Verbs inflected for 3 tenses present, past and future and had 3 aspects only in the past Perfective, Continuous and Progressive. It had 2 moods Indicative and Subjunctive (which was marked by ablaut) as well 2 additional voices Reflexive and Causative and a Remote Past in the Perfective Past. There’s probably a bit more and verbal inflection increases in Wood Elven.

Word order is opposite of english so Proto Elven has postpositions and postverbs where we have prepostions and auxilarry verbs. Word order is SOV and genitives and adjectives follow nouns.

Other then that any element can be fronted with Demonstratives.

di in taliyá
DEM.1.INA here wood-PL-LOC
"Here in the woods"
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Re: Mythic World

Post by foxcatdog »

Lexicon (So Far)

*-ár “to do/to be”
*-tai “one who is”
*-ami “to will/a causative”
*-tera “to force/a causative”
*-nere “one normally used for animals”
*-ne “shortened form of one”
*-netin “one normally used for humans”
*-tín “host/group”
*-mi “nominaliser particularly with positive connotations”
*-un “nominaliser”
*-nan “nominaliser”
*-o “masculine”
*-a “feminine”
*-to “masculine”
*-sa “feminine”
*-e “basic verbaliser”

*nere “one”
*tyasa “two”

*mon “safe”
>*monami “careful/care”

*twelu “to twist”

*suli “to wake”

*mai “strong”
>*maiár “mighty”
>*maima “powerful/power”

*vaṡ- “robust”
>*vaṡtai “robust”
>*vaṡár “strongman”

*nerea “rain”

*cer “far”
>*ceruiná “the great dragon of the sea”

*cap- “to leap”
>*cape “to leap”
>*capami “to tease”
>*cabmere “elvencat”
>*capár “dancer”

*tul “to come”
>*tulla “to come”
>*tulami “to summon”

*sán “to be”
>*sánta “to arrive”

*dulm- “hill” > *
>*dulmo “mountain” > *tilmo “mountain peak” vs *nulmo “mountain”
>*dulme “to climb”
>*yadúm “hill”

*ní “knowledge/understanding/power”

*man “bird”
>*man+o “bird+M” > *manwe “lord of eagles”

*arwe “eagle”

*lú “to offer”
>*lútín “wolf” > *lúthín also *lúthínni and *lúthínna “she and he dogs”
>*lúmi “snow”
>*lúami “to demand”
>*lútera “to take”
>*lúne “giver”

*ilo “to love”

*ta “to dwell”
>*talos “house”

*l̇ós “white”
>*l̇ósnere “arctic fox”

*aldá “to hide”
>*aldán “the hidden”

*gal “bad”
>*galáran “the dammed”

*nárya “fire” (from *nálye “spark” in Earth Draconic)

*gala “to flash”
>*galati “lightning”
>*galacrá “great dragon of lightning”

*betti “water”
>*bettitín “fish”
>*bettiná “otter”

*aurená “goat”
*capres “deer” borrowed as *capris from an archaic stage of Sylvan Elven
*roéna “roe deer”
*duna “doe”

*takí “thing”

*leh- “leaf”
>*leheh “leaf”
>*lehta “leaf”

*pile “hair”

*malta “golden”

*auróe “sky” (from *auĺúwe “sky” in Earth Draconic)

*sjéna “sea” (from *sééna “sea” in Earth Draconic)

*tuli “dream/vision”
>*tulimari “great dragon of spirit”

*pez- “blood”
>*peri “blood”
>*pesti “red”
>*pero “son”
>*pessa “daughter”
>*pesyan “heart”

*yán “seat”

*cár “to control”
*cárami “to order”

*cabra “to lament”

*má “to turn”

*tah “to shine”
>*tahnan “shine”
>*tahti “star”
>*tahmi “alternate form of star/bright star”

*mara “to radiate”
>*maralúne “the lamps”
>*marasa “the first child of the great dragons of light and fire”

*mar “to marr”

*maste “calm”
*mastena “tranquil”

*ari “light”
>*aridanno “lightborn”
>*ariteni “light changing”

*teni “to change”

*dan- “born”
*dannetin “child”

*tópi “to be essential”
>*tópiak “food”
>*tópiyaré “gift”

*yaré “fruit”
>*yarésa “name of the progenitor earth dragon”

*rauta “metal”
>rautayaré “electrum”
>*rautainá “metal dragon a name for the great drake of fire”

*valo “fair”
>*valomai “a name”

*tule “to share”

*nayei “to expand”

*dulo “to dwell”
>*dulomai “ghost”

*osda > *osta “ice”

*reisi “thigh”

*naċċa “buttock”

*aido “holy” > *aino > *ainu vs *aita > *aisa

*kizza “cat” > *kissa “wildcat”

*nár “high”
>*nárdo “king”
>*nársa “queen”
>*nársati “princess”

*pá “head”
>*pána “head”
>*pátála “leader”
>*pátu “to be above”
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Re: Mythic World

Post by WeepingElf »

You mention a "construct case". But there is a simple reason why Semiticists call it the construct state rather than the construct case, that is that it may combine with any case. That a noun is possessed has nothing to do with its grammatical role in the clause - it may be subject, object, or anything else. Hence, the construct state is not a case.
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Re: Mythic World

Post by foxcatdog »

WeepingElf wrote: Mon Nov 21, 2022 8:17 am You mention a "construct case". But there is a simple reason why Semiticists call it the construct state rather than the construct case, that is that it may combine with any case. That a noun is possessed has nothing to do with its grammatical role in the clause - it may be subject, object, or anything else. Hence, the construct state is not a case.
Yeah but here it's a case since it can't freely combine with other cases. Any ambiguity is resolved with prepositions

peroni polmio tulla tópiyarí netyasi
son-PL-CONS polmio come=to gift-PL many
“The son’s of Polmio received many gifts
Last edited by foxcatdog on Mon Nov 21, 2022 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Mythic World

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Of course, it is your conlang, so do what feels right to you.
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Re: Mythic World

Post by foxcatdog »

Example cognates between G and B.

*ńaṙ vs *negw
*h́eś vs *tyis
*śiŕ vs *her

*unọ "care/careful vs *ola "care/careful"
*oĺh "stone" vs *œł “fist”
*quiḿ "fat" vs *peṁ "fat"
*meọ̈ "mighty" vs *maiä "mighty"
*xeve "elvencat" vs *cam "elvencat"
*tolf "stomach" vs *tagwd "stomach"
*or "eagle" vs *agw "eagle"
*l̇oṡ "ermine" vs *jucy "ermine"
*gyufọ "sable" vs *hṅegwa "sable"
*oĺĺ "to sneak" vs *ald "to hide"
*b́iecy "water" vs *bed "water"
*cafracọ "crow" vs *caraga "crow"
*h́enọ "shine" vs *tela "light"
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Re: Mythic World

Post by foxcatdog »

Some lore i wrote for a DND game

Arianac Faith
A distinctly mystical religion focused on the worship of the Great Prophet who arose among the western plains (near the nations of the Eastern Sea) and was influenced by the great prophetesses of the Faith of Divine Light. The faith has distinct undertones of the supremacy of Man which has been extended to the other mortal races. Belief in a saviour descended from an original prophetess of Divine Light and an end times is also seen. The two main branches in the Eastern Sphere are the Iru (Pure) and Anati (Symbolic) branches with the latter being larger but the former being more widespread. The faith waged war agains the original demon empire and is said by some to be the catalyst of its downfall and spread in regions outside of the control of the Desert Empire. Opponents of the faith see it as barbaric, decadent and blatantly heretical in its lack of respect for the Dragon Gods of the world. In some cases proponents even claim ultimate creation was done by a god in the image of Men. As such Dragons despise the faith which has led to a sport of Dragon Hunting amongst its proponents to root their lands of dragons. Non-Humans except for in certain cases Elves and Dwarves do not follow this faith and in some cases they are persecuted.

Faith of Divine Light
The Human faith which most reveres the dragons of light and fire celebrating the divine union of Nahtani and her husband Barhaza as well as their great daughte Marasa the sun goddess and in some cases their son Iloun. The faith has some antecedance amongs the Holy Dwarves who most revered dwarven order and Nahtani but in some cases held their father in regard. The faith is somewhat strict due to its adherents lacking the natural purity of Marasas own children the Chienna. It has also been called unsuitable for humans by its opponents within the Empire and overtly strict by many Chienna.

The Holy Dwarves
Dwarves who follow Nahtani in addition to Barhaza. They have been exiled from their original realm in the mountains of the great continent to the west of the one of the Eastern Sea Nations by other high dwarves. Now they live in exile sometimes amongs the Blue Dwarves and sometimes among other races. Thjey admire holiness the most among Dwarves and this influences their craft which often contains runes of light, purity and sacred power. Amongst a few mountains they have their own kingdoms which have in the past opposed or aided the Desert Empire.
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Re: Mythic World

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I spoilered it since some people may find parts of it objectionable.
More: show
Maiár’s rebellion
After the creation of the original isles of the world and its peopling by at this time a few races. Maiár eventually grew to resent his position in the world. In his heart he longed for admiration and most of all the love of his sister Nahtanani so he lurked outside of the world for long periods after an age a voice eventually spoke to him telling him to claim his heart’s desire so he went to Nahtanani and asked for her hand and when she rejected him he forced herself upon him. In his shame he fled and was banished by the other Dragons so he returned to the void where the voice once again spoke to him. In his rage and pride his darker aspects seeped out of his body and fused with this shadow who was actually the third of the creation trio the god of the void as well as with some of his sister’s latent power creating the three headed dragon Mainictara the Primal Night. This dragon warred against the world and in its latent jealousy slew Iloun which caused Orunei to unmake the world in a fit of rage. Seeing what he had done Maiár slew Mainictara after his brothers and sisters had each delivered a wound to them and tried to resurrect his niece in his grief but couldn’t due to the limits of his own power. So it fell on Namía using part of Maiár’s power to resurrect him as well as the rest of the world. And so the world was remade anew with great continents to fill with countless peoples. During this time the other great races of the world came to being as well as many lesser races and Maiár was forgiven. In time Nahtanani gave birth to three children: the trickster and masked dragons and the dragoness of protection. She also used the power of Primal Genesis to give birth to the dragoness of the holy word but this was much earlier as she never gave birth after the birth of her elder brother’s children.
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Re: Mythic World

Post by WeepingElf »

Something in an old post I have overlooked until today but I have to say something on it from my own experience.
foxcatdog wrote: Sun Nov 20, 2022 8:31 pm Tolkien never finished his Elven languages so the goal here is to make a similar language with pretty aesthetics but more complete.
The incomplete documentation of Tolkien's languages is a good reason to make your own. But there is a more compelling reason: They are somebody else's conlangs, and using them for your own conworld is a kind of plagiarism (whether it is legally a case of plagiarism or not - it at least feels like plagiarism to me). After all, you could creatively fill in the gaps in our knowledge of Tolkien's languages - which I did when I started my Elvenpath project, but it felt wrong to me: my Elves just aren't Tolkien's Elves, and live somewhere else, so why should they speak the same languages? This is the reason why I abandoned Tolkien's Elvish languages and began making my own. (A third reason was that I had my own ideas on linguistic beauty and the origin and structure of the Elvish languages I wished to pursue, and could not really if I used Tolkien's languages.)
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Re: Mythic World

Post by foxcatdog »

WeepingElf wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 5:50 am Something in an old post I have overlooked until today but I have to say something on it from my own experience.
foxcatdog wrote: Sun Nov 20, 2022 8:31 pm Tolkien never finished his Elven languages so the goal here is to make a similar language with pretty aesthetics but more complete.
The incomplete documentation of Tolkien's languages is a good reason to make your own. But there is a more compelling reason: They are somebody else's conlangs, and using them for your own conworld is a kind of plagiarism (whether it is legally a case of plagiarism or not - it at least feels like plagiarism to me). After all, you could creatively fill in the gaps in our knowledge of Tolkien's languages - which I did when I started my Elvenpath project, but it felt wrong to me: my Elves just aren't Tolkien's Elves, and live somewhere else, so why should they speak the same languages? This is the reason why I abandoned Tolkien's Elvish languages and began making my own. (A third reason was that I had my own ideas on linguistic beauty and the origin and structure of the Elvish languages I wished to pursue, and could not really if I used Tolkien's languages.)
I'm not using them for my own world i'm just taking inspiration from them.
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Re: Mythic World

Post by foxcatdog »

Numerals in Proto Elven
*nere “one”
*tjasa “two”
*siré “three”
*abaï “four”
*ńaeste “five”
*anari “six”
*tulimu “seven”
*narta “eight”
*lohina “nine” (from *lohi “less than”)
*aurti “ten” (from *aur “complete”)

And numerals in Amarin
*nari “one”
*sina “two”
*isju “three”
*saa “four”
*wikan “five”
*nura “six”
*sanis “seven”
*palka “eight”
*luni “nine”
*iski “ten”
*ana “eleven”
*tauri “twelve”
*ilai “thirteen”
*issaa “fourteen”
*kaja “fifteen”
*sawi “sixteen”
*torra “seventeen”
*naskii “eighteen”
*ińas “nineteen”
*mini “twenty”
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Re: Mythic World

Post by WeepingElf »

foxcatdog wrote: Mon May 01, 2023 5:30 pm I'm not using them for my own world i'm just taking inspiration from them.
I know. I just stated my reasons for not using Tolkien's languages for my Elves, and I am happy that you do the same.
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Re: Mythic World

Post by Travis B. »

foxcatdog wrote: Tue May 02, 2023 4:19 am Numerals in Proto Elven
*nere “one”
*tjasa “two”
*siré “three”
*abaï “four”
*ńaeste “five”
*anari “six”
*tulimu “seven”
*narta “eight”
*lohina “nine” (from *lohi “less than”)
*aurti “ten” (from *aur “complete”)

And numerals in Amarin
*nari “one”
*sina “two”
*isju “three”
*saa “four”
*wikan “five”
*nura “six”
*sanis “seven”
*palka “eight”
*luni “nine”
*iski “ten”
*ana “eleven”
*tauri “twelve”
*ilai “thirteen”
*issaa “fourteen”
*kaja “fifteen”
*sawi “sixteen”
*torra “seventeen”
*naskii “eighteen”
*ińas “nineteen”
*mini “twenty”
One hint - you could give your numbers some structure; e.g. in my languages I tend to make numbers six through nine be "five-N" and likewise numbers eleven through fifteen "ten-N" and sixteen through nineteen "ten-five-N" (and so on with twenty one through twenty five be "twenty-N", and so on).
Yaaludinuya siima d'at yiseka ha wohadetafa gaare.
Ennadinut'a gaare d'ate ha eetatadi siiman.
T'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa t'awraa.
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Re: Mythic World

Post by foxcatdog »

More myth in case the myth of some people to the southwest of the Eastern Seas.

When the sky awoke she took the form of a dragon amongst the encircling airs and clouds. She held a host of eight other dragons in her stead to create the world out of chaos and stasis. She loved most of all freedom and passion and she created humans to live freely amongst the world. In time she had a son who was of lightning and radiant heat and he held sway over the lands of our people when his land was threatened by a great cold in the form of a shadow from the south he forged a magic ring with the help of a witch of the Northfolk which allowed him to smite the cold and its giant servants. He gathered forth three human brothers of wisdom, knowledge and sight and told them to use his magic ring to build a kingdom in these lands. So they did but later it became divided and in time the ring became lost allowing the cold to take place on the foothills of the kingdom and the Northfolk and our kin became hostile with each other. Eventually the ring was fully claimed by the cold and a thousand years of ever encroaching cold followed but the dragoness of fates decreed a prophecy that the ring would one day be reclaimed by a hero of the peoples and the sky’s people would once again live free and in harmony with the Northfolk.
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Re: Mythic World

Post by foxcatdog »

The Elven Script used to write Proto Elven

And the descent of a particular 6th generation dragon.
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Re: Mythic World

Post by foxcatdog »

*p *t *k *kʷ
*s *sʲ
*r *l
*j *w
*m *n *nʲ

*i *u
*ɛ *ɔ

*ɛ and *ɔ generally did not occur in non-initial syllables except in loanwords interdialectal borrowings and compounding
*j did not occur initially except in loanwords
Generally dialects add *ts or lose *r

CVC syllable structure maximally with stops not being able to occur before another consonant and Nasal + Stop sequences being only found in borrowings

Amarin was head initial in most cases but its ancestor Proto Amaric was verb final. Some languages including Central Amaric languages which Amarin belongs to have preserved the verb final aspect and some have even innovated other head final phrases but many Amaric languages at this point are purely head initial.

Sound Changes from Proto Amaric
To Central Amaric
*tʲ/sʲ > *sʲ
*lʲ > *ɕ or any shibilant really
*w > *: when non initial
*j > *d when initial
*h > *X
Stop > X _C
Nasal + Stop sequences lenite to voiced stops
Possibly *ɛ and *ɔ in unstressed syllables raised to high mid vowels but some maintain this was always the case

To Old (Najansipaa) Amaric
*sʲ > *s
*ɕ > *sʲ
*b/gʷ > *w
*d > X
*g > *j
*r is lost intervocalically and even rarer becomes *t initially but both of these are dialectal
*gʷ also is reflected as *j but this is once again dialectal

To Current (Kilsiima) Amaric
p > X before high vowels
*t > *r before high vowels
*k > *j before high vowels
High-Mid vowels to high vowels
*t > *s before *i
*p > *t before *i

Sporadic Changes
Assimilation of coronal clusters to their first element (these usually weren't borrowed from other dialects as assimilation is sporadic)
*s > *sʲ before *i (dialectal)
*a > *e finally (dialectal)
*a > *o/u in unstressed syllables (dialectal)
*k > *s/sʲ before *i (s is actually *ts in such dialects and it only occurs in dialects which have merged *i/u (either before or after *e and *o raised)
Sometimes the elements of lenition from stops before high vowels are different most of these forms are dialectal but are rare except for *p > *w
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Re: Mythic World

Post by foxcatdog »

Amarin has a complex system of modal inflection and that's just inflection. All these forms generall raised and *a to and *i.

*-ma "imperative"
*mais "near future"
*-manu "conditional"
*-mai "future"
*-miia "speculative"
*-mini "desiderative"
*-muńu "benefactive"
*-mannu "necessitive"
*-miin "permissive"

All of these except the near future and necessitive occured in Proto Amaric.

Marked commands. It is rather impolite but can be used

ina mapi nik
“Be a dog then”


Near Future
Used for future events occurring in a short amount of time.

mai sipika śapi COP.Nfut DEM.loc.1
“He will be here soon”

ne tul isimaisina OPT
“I promise to go soon”

It also functions as a future perfect

mai isimais tu śaki go-Nfut GEN DEM.loc.2
“He will have gotten away by then”

Subjunctive conditional
Used for irrealis conditionals.

mai tauïmanu ne tomaina come-Irrcond
“If he comes i will leave”

Like with the indicative conditional you can use it after another sentence to indicate an action may be taken in response to a known event.

unii passa tu sii isamanu
snow fall GEN go-Irrcond
“Snow falls so she may go”

Indicates future events.

śuuaśumai jurijumais
song+verb-IMPF-FUT dance-IMPF-Nfut
“Singing will come, dancing will follow”

Used for things which are speculated

“It may be raining”

Marked things the speaker wishes to occur.

a nuja sontimini ii ne
INT light burn-DES DAT
“Oh light will you burn for me?”

ne aniniminina
“I desire action”

ne osina man naaüminita propose 1.dual talk-DES-1.dual
“I propose we talk”

Negative wishes are also seen.

ne śaas lauja tauïminina tu jantu rain NEG GEN day+this
“I wish rain didn’t come today”

Indicated that if an action happened it would benefit the speaker. It also indicated polite commands or wishes.

amaaï śaasimuńu juta
dragoness rain+VERB-Ben honey
“If the dragoness rained honey it would good for me”
“I’d like to be rich”

sii isamuńu ne go-Ben
“She might go for me”

ruin tu nisii meniimuńu
glory GEN queen many+VERB-Ben
“Queen’s glory abound!”

Indicates things that should happen. It in certain cases is a very strong command even stronger than the imperative.

śo mapiu śapa
so COP.Necc DEM.LOC.3
“So it should be then”

“You should be going”

sai to lauja unaminnu siwimo alu
boy DEM.1 NEG like-Necc demon all
“This boy shouldn’t like demons”

This died out in the standard language around 500 years ago but is still used in the speech of the lower classes and many dialects. *-miin is the form of older *-miil in that idiodialect and it is mostly known because it's the way a lower class person would ask for something from an upper class person.

asmiinna uni we urchin few
“I ask for your few urchins”
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Re: Mythic World

Post by foxcatdog »

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Re: Mythic World

Post by Man in Space »

Your dragon names are badass and I wish I could come up with names as awesome as those.
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