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Tales from the Republic of the Crimson Sun

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2021 1:34 pm
by Nachtswalbe
The Republic of the Land of the Crimson Sun (Ángyó mūr qōf) is a republic in lower Xâklà Llû.

It is divided conventionally into the Highlands, the Lowlands and the Twin Deltas. Around 80% of the population lives in the Lowlands and the Deltas. This is reflected by the percentage of people who identify as Ñou Lém, a collection of complex of ethnicities defined by a common culture despite speaking a variety of mutually unintelligible languages. The Highlands contain a variety of ethnicities, known internationally for the horizontal shrike and voyage burials.

The Republic was the successor to the Grand Vēl Yéć.