ZBB Census 2018

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ZBB Census 2018

Post by mèþru »

Feel we need a new one... Maybe it should just be permanent and people should update their posts as their life changes?
As with previous censuses, you can pick and choose which questions to answer.

Edit 2018-8-19: Reposting my answers and leaving the first post with an unfilled template
Other nicknames (including good stories, if you have any):
Place of residence:
Any particular reason you live there now?
Pets (+5 extra credit if you provide photographic evidence):


Age and date of birth:
Shoe size:
Blood type:

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s):
Other languages:
Your conlangs:
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once:

Favourite language:
Favourite colour:
Favourite food:
Favourite drink:
Favourite animal:
Favourite sport:
Favourite book:
Favourite movie:
Favourite video game:
Favourite non-video game:

Extra Credit
1) Link to the funniest picture you know of on the internet that isn't goatse or in the same spirit.
2) What's the most interesting place you've ever been to?
Last edited by mèþru on Sun Aug 19, 2018 8:47 am, edited 3 times in total.
ìtsanso, God In The Mountain, may our names inspire the deepest feelings of fear in urkos and all his ilk, for we have saved another man from his lies! I welcome back to the feast hall kal, who will never gamble again! May the eleven gods bless him!
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by Ryusenshi »

Username: Ryusenshi (竜戦士 is Japanese for "dragon warrior". Yes, I know.)
Name: prefer not to tell
Birthplace: near Paris
Place of residence: somewhere in France
Occupation: engineer
Pets (+5 extra credit if you provide photographic evidence): none

Gender: male
Sexuality: straight
Relationship: none at the moment
Nationality: French
Ethnicity: ethnicity is stupid
Skin color: I on the Fitzpatrick scale
Religion: atheist
Politics: sort-of-left-wing

Age: late thirties
Height: 1m81 (5'11 in US units)
Weight: currently on a diet
Shoe size: 43 in French units (32 cm)
Blood type: AB+ (the greedy bastard type)
Handedness: right-handed, tending ambilevous

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): French
Other languages: English (fluent), Spanish (intermediate), Latin (learned but mostly forgotten), German, Japanese (beginner)
Your conlangs: ehhh, none
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: Interlingua, Sanskrit, Mandarin, Swedish, Ancient Greek...

Favourite language: maybe English
Favourite colour: depends on the application
Favourite food: chicken and French fries
Favourite drink: apple juice
Favourite animal: mantis shrimp
Favourite sport: long-distance running
Favourite book: can't choose one
Favourite movie: either Groundhog Day or the Star Wars trilogy
Favourite video game: the Metroid series
Favourite non-video game: I used to play bridge
Favourite record: Let it Bleed by the Rolling Stones

Extra Credit
1) Link to the funniest picture you know of on the internet that isn't goatse or in the same spirit: https://www.deviantart.com/blackveilbri ... -360415640
2) What's the most interesting place you've ever been to? A satellite factory.
Last edited by Ryusenshi on Thu Jun 09, 2022 5:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by alice »

mèþru wrote: Sun Jul 08, 2018 3:09 pm As with previous censuses, you can pick and choose which questions to answer.
Ok then!

Username: alice
Birthplace: Kitwe, Zambia
Place of residence: Edinburgh
Any particular reason you live there now? My dad found work there.
Occupation: Software developer
Pets: Cat

Gender: Male, despite username
Sexuality: Straight
Relationship: Married
Nationality: Scottish
Ethnicity: Err..
Religion: Agnostic
Politics: (European) fairly unremarkable social democrat; (USA) unreformed commie

Age and date of birth: Seven days before Neil Armstrong's Giant Step
Height: 173cm
Weight: Personal
Shoe size: DIfferent for each foot
Blood type: B+,I think
Handedness: Dexterous

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): English
Other languages: French, German, Dutch (all moderately fluent), Spanish (flaky)
Your conlangs: Too many to list here
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: Several!


None of this is interesting

Extra Credit
1) Link to the funniest picture you know of on the internet: here
2) What's the most interesting place you've ever been to? The tram stop at Drinopol, in Prague
Last edited by alice on Tue Jul 10, 2018 1:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by doctor shark »

Username: doctor shark/vampireshark
Name: Larry Honaker
Birthplace: Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
Place of residence: Wageningen, the Netherlands
Any particular reason you live there now? Moved here for a postdoc, and quite like it
Occupation: Postdoc in Physics research
Pets (+5 extra credit if you provide photographic evidence): none in Luxembourg, but, back in the states, two budgerigars/parakeets (Banana and Yogurt) and three cats (Minou and Muschi Mona, Marsha, and Sam)
Siblings: one slightly younger twin brother

Gender: male
Sexuality: about a 4-5 on the Kinsey scale
Relationship: nyet
Nationality: USA
Ethnicity: white; a mix of Irish, German, Swiss, Scottish, English, and Welsh, to be more specific
Religion: agnostic
Politics: increasingly centrist, but with a libertarian streak

Age: 31
Height: 1.64 m / 5' 4.5"
Weight: 48 kg / 106 lb / 7 st 8 lb, thereabouts
Shoe size: 8.5 (US) / 41 (EU), but this depends on the brand
Blood type: A- (experimentally determined!)
Handedness: right-handed

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): English
Other languages: French (B2-C1 or so), German (A1-A2), with bits of Dutch, Spanish, Italian, and others
Your conlangs: Telèmor and Ilian are the two big ones
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: Japanese, Russian, Arabic, Korean, Dutch, Welsh...

Favourite language: I have a soft spot for both German and French, for different reasons
Favourite colour: blues of various hues
Favourite food: quality bulgogi
Favourite drink: orange Fanta, but Kinderpunsch come wintertime
Favourite animal: cats (as pets)
Favourite sport: to watch, probably baseball (I know, very American)
Favourite book: can't choose just one
Favourite movie: by far, Pan's Labyrinth
Favourite video game: hard choice, but probably Dragon Quest VIII
Favourite non-video game: Magic: the Gathering
Favourite record: Imaginaerum by Nightwish, though there are individual songs I like more

Extra Credit
What's the most interesting place you've ever been to? Let's go with the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) in South Korea, though both India (in general) and Japan were endless fascination... as was Vienna...
Last edited by doctor shark on Mon Sep 13, 2021 2:52 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by Vardelm »

Username: Vardelm
Birthplace: Michigan, USA
Place of residence: Michigan, USA
Occupation: 3D CGI modeler

Gender: male
Nationality: USA
Ethnicity: white (Manx, Cornish, & bits of other stuff)
Religion: Christian (non-formal, with liberal, progressive, universalist view)
Politics: progressive

Age: 46
Shoe size: 11 super wide duck-feet
Handedness: right-handed

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): English
Other languages: Nope. :(
Your conlangs: Working on 4 proto-langs for same world: Dwarvish, Jin, Devani, & Elvish/Yokai
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in: Khuzdul, Hebrew, Arabic, Tibetan, Qiang, Manx, Cornish, Icelandic, Finnish, Hindi, Tamil, Tagalog, Salishan, Zulu, Xhosa, Ojibwe, French, and maybe a few others

Favourite language: probably French (for listening, desire to learn)
Favourite colour: blue, green
Favourite food: Cornish pasties
Favourite drink: dark roast coffee, cabernet red wine
Favourite animal: giraffes
Favourite sport: college (American) football
Favourite book: Lord of the RIngs
Favourite movies: LOTR, Rogue One, Out of Africa, Lawrence of Arabia, 7 Years in Tibet, Skyfall, A Fish Called Wanda
Favourite video game: Diablo (III is my favorite, but loved I and II)
Favourite non-video game: chess, solitaire

Extra Credit
What's the most interesting place you've ever been to? backwaters of Kerala, India
Vardelm's Scratchpad Table of Contents (Dwarven, Devani, Jin, & Yokai)
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by Ares Land »

Username:Ars Lande
Birthplace: Somewhere in rural France
Place of residence: Paris, France
Any particular reason you live there now? Not much taste for rural life, and I found work there.
Occupation: I work in IT. If you're interested, I'm in systems integration and sometimes I do DevOps stuff.
Pets (+5 extra credit if you provide photographic evidence): I have a cat. Or more accurately, my cat has granted me the honor of being her dedicated litterbox slave and food ape.

Gender: Male
Sexuality: straight
Relationship: In a relationship.
Nationality: French.
Ethnicity: Er... French?
Religion: Atheist
Politics: somewhere between the Economist's and 1990s-style European social democracy.

Age: 34
Height: 1.86m or 6'1''
Blood type: O+
Handedness: Right-handed.

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): French
Other languages: English. I can sort of understand German, get by in Italian and remember enough Latin to read it with a dictionary.
Your conlangs: These days I'm working on the Tarandim family and on the Erdanic language. Hey, maybe someday I will actually write a grammar!
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once:
I'm just like most people here, so lots. Let me instead take the opportunity to mention Wardwesân (on amazon, it's in French but it looks like most people here know some.)

Favourite language: I don't really have any. Though on sounds alone, any Semitic language.
Favourite colour: Red.
Favourite drink: Wine.
Favourite animal: Cats, both big and small.
Favourite sport: I'm not getting any younger so I've taken up biking, but I'm not that much into sports.
Favourite book: That changes all the time! Lately, In the Mothers' Land. by Vonarburg. It's a great book. Go check it out.
Favourite movie: The Godfather
Favourite video game: Civilization II. Yes, it's been ages since I played video games.

Extra Credit
What's the most interesting place you've ever been to?
Let me tell you about the most uninteresting interesting place I've been to, instead. That would be the Acropolis of Sparta. It's just olive trees and a few old stones that used to be a theater that some people who knew someone who knew someone whose ancestors fought with Leonidas built. Really pretty though.
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by alynnidalar »

Username: alynnidalar
Birthplace: Saginaw, Michigan, USA
Place of residence: Lansing, Michigan, USA
Any particular reason you live there now? I enjoy eating and the internet, therefore I must exchange labor for currency.
Occupation: web developer
Pets (+5 extra credit if you provide photographic evidence): I HAVE RECENTLY ACQUIRED A KITTY. HIS NAME IS GUINNESS AND HE'S THE BEST KITTY IN THE WORLD.
Siblings: two older sisters

Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Relationship: nope
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: throw a dart at a map of Europe and I have an ancestor from there
Religion: non-denominational Christian
Politics: ??? slightly left of center the last time I took the political compass test

Age: 26 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Height: 5'5"-ish
Weight: 140-ish
Shoe size: 8 - 8.5 (women's US sizes)
Blood type: I've never actually found out
Handedness: right

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): English
Other languages: no :(
Your conlangs: Tirina is the main one, I also poke at Azen on occasion. I've explored more but these are the only two I consistently work on.
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: idk Ojibwe is really cool

Favorites are hard so here are some things that I like very much but are probably not actually my favorite in any specific category.
Favorite color: I'm fond of greens and blues
Favorite food: all food is valid
Favorite drink: fancy hot chocolate!
Favorite animal: tigers are very cool and beautiful animals. Actually, all big cats are pretty neat.
Favorite sport: I have extremely little interest in sports, but ice hockey is entertaining to watch if you go to a game in person. I fully admit I go to games for the exact same reason as everyone else: in hopes of a good fight
Favorite book series: Dresden Files. My favorite books from the series are probably Dead Beat (the one with the dinosaur) and Skin Game (the one where Harry actually gets to be cool for once). I'm also very fond of Discworld, with my favorites being the Watch books.
Favorite movies: the Marvel movies, the original Bourne trilogy, Wonder Woman
Favorite video game: Mass Effect series, Half-Life series (including the Portal games), and Witcher 3
Favorite bands: Orden Ogan, Nightwish, Wintersun, Corvus Corax

Extra Credit
What's the most interesting place you've ever been to? Arches National Park in Utah, USA. Baby little park, just about a hundred square miles, but the rock formations are incredibly cool! In the "this place is neat" way. Not in the temperature way. It was 105F and I felt myself dying. Why did we go to Utah in July, again?
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by Kuchigakatai »

Methru, you should put up a template in the opening post, so that we don't have to erase somebody else's answers to enter our own.

Username: Ser
Name: Renato
Birthplace: San Salvador, El Salvador
Place of residence: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Any particular reason you live there now? Love it here.
Occupation: about to become a student again, doing programming projects on the side
Pets (+5 extra credit if you provide photographic evidence): none
Siblings: younger brother

Gender: male
Sexuality: heterosexual
Relationship: in a relationship
Nationality: Canada
Ethnicity: Salvadoran
Religion: fickle, seems to change every three years or so.
Politics: radical centrist

Age: born in 1992
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 145 lb (as of 2018-07-10)
Shoe size: 9 (US/Canada)
Blood type: O+
Handedness: right-handed

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): Spanish
Other languages: English (C2), French (B1), Latin (B1), Mandarin (A2). I'm also very familiar with the grammar of Standard Arabic and Classical Chinese, but not their lexicon.
Your conlangs: none published
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: Yucatec Maya, Classical Ch'olti' Maya, Japanese, Sanskrit, Akkadian.

Favourite language: Latin (Classical)
Favourite colour: teal
Favourite food: beef sirloin in strips bathed in tzatziki and garlic sauce, accompanied by tabouleh and humus, as often found in "Mediterranean" restaurants in North America. I could do without all that rice though.
Favourite drink: Salvadoran horchata (2/3 milk, 1/3 water, combined with powder made from crushing Crescentia cujete seeds)
Favourite animal: chickadees
Favourite sport: I don't watch any sports really, but I guess it'd be Taekwondo. I practised it for a decade, but now I only watch it during the Olympics plus the occasional presentation at a local event.
Favourite book: I'll list three. Ralph Penny's History of the Spanish Language is up there for me as a paragon of what a history of the phonology and morphology of a language should look like (it's weak on syntax though), Roger Wright's Late Latin and Early Romance in Spain and Carolingian France for its level of erudition in Latin texts that have never been translated, Sidney Allen's Vox Latina as an example of how much linguistic information about pronunciation can be possibly scraped from ancient texts.
Favourite movie: none in particular
Favourite video game: I haven't played videogames in years, but I used to love playing the Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy Tactics series. There was one Fire Emblem game that I even played in 5 different (European) languages.
Favourite non-video game: none in particular
Favourite record: hmm, nothing comes to mind in particular, so I checked the music file collection that I regularly listen to to see what the oldest songs in there were, and I found the files for the Arabic song دواير dawāyer ('Circles') by Marwan Khoury (مروان خورى), and the Mandarin song 開門見山 Kāiménjiànshān ('Straight to the Point', literally "Open the Doors and See the Mountains") by A-mit (阿密特), both files dating back to 2010. They're great songs.
EDIT: In late 2019 I made a copy of my YouTube watch history, and I found I still listen to one of the oldest songs in there: Шелкопряд (Shelkopr'ad 'Silkworm'), a song in Russian by the Ukrainian group Flëur.

Extra Credit
What's the most interesting place you've ever been to? El Imposible forest in El Salvador. Its name comes from how difficult it is to access it, particularly if you're accompanied by a beast of burden, because at some point you have to cross a long, high, narrow cliff.
Last edited by Kuchigakatai on Wed Dec 25, 2019 6:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by dɮ the phoneme »

Username: Max1461
Birthplace: Scottsdale, Arizona
Place of residence: Claremont, CA
Any particular reason you live there now? School
Occupation: Student
Pets: 1 dog
Siblings: A younger sister

Gender: Some kind of non-binary? Since the actual ontology of gender remains (as far as I'm aware) an unsolved problem, this is a hard question to answer. But the fact that I have always had significant gender dysphoria clues me in that I may not be cis, if anything.
Sexuality: Unknown, see above. But I'm not attracted to men.
Relationship: None
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: White
Religion: None
Politics: Leftist, somewhat Anarchist in my ideals, but deeply skeptical about the actual feasibility of anarcho-socialist economic and social organization. Note that "skeptical" does not mean "blindly opposed to"; healthy skepticism and a concern for practical implementation are necessary to make any idea work in practice. I hope automation will solve our economic woes, but I think it'll only make them worse. People claim to be very certain about too many things for them to possibly be as certain as they think they are.

Age: 20
Height: 6'0'' (~183cm)
Weight: Around 175lbs (~79kg), but it fluctuates.
Shoe size: 11 or 12 (men's US sizes), depending
Blood type: IDK
Handedness: Right Handed

Native language(s): American English (California English, with both Cot-Cought merger and Pin-Pen merger, and raising of /æ/ to /e/ /_ŋ, but no such raising of /ɪ/)
Other languages: French (learning? I was at an intermediate level at one point, but I haven't had a chance to really speak it in over two years, so who knows now), Japanese (learning), Spanish (grew up understanding it moderately well, but I could never actually speak. I've always meant to actually go learn it)
Your conlangs: A bunch in the same conworld; an ever growing list. Primarily: Hhotakotí, Old Wasqan, Yorshorzha, Esuawuat, Chdha Zê
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once:
Tibetan, Mongolian, Nivkh, Chukchi, Korean, Ket, Inuktitut, Finnish, Russian, Nahuatl, Classic Maya, Avestan, Indonesian, Onge

Favourite language: Spanish or Japanese
Favourite colour: Orange
Favourite food: Rice
Favourite drink: Water
Favourite animal: Trilobite
Favourite sport: No
Favourite book: Also no
Favourite movie: Definitely not
Favourite video game: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Favourite non-video game: Catan

Extra Credit
What's the most interesting place you've ever been to? Istanbul, Turkey. On a family vacation when I was a kid.
Last edited by dɮ the phoneme on Wed Jul 11, 2018 5:00 am, edited 5 times in total.
Ye knowe eek that, in forme of speche is chaunge
With-inne a thousand yeer, and wordes tho
That hadden pris, now wonder nyce and straunge
Us thinketh hem; and yet they spake hem so,
And spedde as wel in love as men now do.

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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by hwhatting »

Username: duh
Name: Hans-Werner Hatting (who'd have guessed?)
Other nicknames (including good stories, if you have any): I go as "wannis" on AH.com. It's the Tautisca equivalent of 'Hans'.
Birthplace: Mönchengladbach, Germany
Place of residence: Bonn, Germany
Any particular reason you live there now? I work for a company in the area.
Occupation: Consultant
Pets (+5 extra credit if you provide photographic evidence): None currently
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Yes
Relationship: Married
Nationality: German
Ethnicity: German. Some Dutch and Polish ancestry at least 4 generations ago
Religion: Atheist
Politics: Firmly in the German Social Market Economy tradition, socially liberal. I used to be more neo-liberal when I was young and easily impressionable.

Age and date of birth: 1965
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 70kg
Shoe size: 40/41
Blood type: Am I applying for health insurance here?
Handedness: Brian Stimpson, Clockwise

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): German
Other languages: English, Russian (fluent), French, Polish, Dutch (coping), Latin, Classical Greek (passive), Italian, Spanish, Lithuanian, Latvian, Croatian, Danish, Farsi, Turkish, Kazakh, Uzbek, Arabic / MSA, Bahasa Indonesia (various stages of learning or forgetting), passive reading ability in Slavic languages not mentioned.
Your conlangs: The only ones I really keep up doing are Tautisca and the Romlangs of Tarra
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once:
Too many to mention

Favourite language: Always the one I'm currently busy with
Favourite colour: Dunno
Favourite food: Olives. Lebanese style pickled are the best ones.
Favourite drink: Tea
Favourite animal: Chicken, fried. As for living animals, I slightly prefer dogs to cats.
Favourite sport: Football for watching. Took up golf a couple of years ago. Billiards.
Favourite book: Can't decide
Favourite movie: Maybe I'll make a list one day. Several of Vardelm's choices would make it.
Favourite video game: Civ II and IV. Civ V didn't really thrill me, and I've mostly stopped playing computer games now.
Favourite non-video game: Chess, Settlers of Catan (the latter is a family ritual)

Extra Credit
1) Link to the funniest picture you know of on the internet that isn't goatse or in the same spirit. They have funny pictures on the internet?
2) What's the most interesting place you've ever been to? Lots, but my current No 1 is the Old City of Sana'a.
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Yiuel Raumbesrairc
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by Yiuel Raumbesrairc »

Yiuel Raumbesrairc

Username: Yiuel Raumbesrairc (UL, my basic initials, and Raumbesrairc is Xurnese for "wayfarer, sojourner", literally "far-traveller")
Name: Ugo José Lachapelle
Other nicknames (including good stories, if you have any): LeMelvillois, Lamelurbano (both "The Melvillian"), from my concountry Melville. My very first nickname was Speedway13, showing my interest in urban planning and civil engineering. I shortly also note the nickname "Zwi" which at one point I contested with a Wallonian dude on IRC, which brought me for a time in a circle of Belgian people.
Birthplace: Hearst, Ontario, Canada
Place of residence: Candiac, Quebec, Canada
Any particular reason you live there now? I live 10 minutes away from my main workplace.
Occupation: Security guard
Pets (+5 extra credit if you provide photographic evidence): None.

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Both ways
Relationship: None
Citizenship: Canadian
Ethnicity: French-Canadian and Quebecker
Religion: Endajué (Yes, that one.)

Age and date of birth: 32 years old, Sept. 8 1985
Height: 184 cm, 6' plus quarter of an inch (I actually grew a full centimeter this year... Odd.)
Weight: 100 kg, 220 lbs, 17% bodyfat
Shoe size: 9
Blood type: O+
Handedness: Right-handed

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): French, Joual, English (Since I had most of my education done in French, I feel more comfortable with it than English.)
Other languages: Esperanto (fluent), Japanese (fluent), Swedish (learning), Spanish (basics).
Your conlangs: Thenqol, CLM
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: Swahili, Inuktitut, Xurnese

Favourite language: Japanese
Favourite colour: Royal blue, generally contrasting colors
Favourite food: Crepes with tons of maple syrup
Favourite drink: MILK
Favourite animal: Ostrich
Favourite sport: Archery
Favourite book: Le Comte de Monte-cristo
Favourite movie: None I could rewatch forever.
Favourite video game: Simcity
Favourite non-video game: D&D

Extra Credit
1) Link to the funniest picture you know of on the internet that isn't goatse or in the same spirit.
2) What's the most interesting place you've ever been to?
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by hwhatting »

Hi Yiuel, it seems you hadn't posted for ages! Welcome to the new board!
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by zyxw59 »

Username: zyxw59
Name: Emily
Other nicknames: mle (/ɛm.ɛl.iː/ or /mlε/)
Birthplace: Oakland, CA
Place of residence: Oakland, CA / Cambridge, MA
Any particular reason you live there now? Going to school at MIT.
Occupation: Student
Pets: 1 cat

Gender: girl-ish
Sexuality: I like girls and nonbinary folks. Also probably somewhat ace.
Relationship: yes
Nationality: US
Ethnicity: white
Religion: nonreligious (raised by nonreligious parents who were raised Mormon and Catholic, respectively)
Politics: anarcho-communist.

Age and date of birth: October 1995
Height: 5'6" or so
Weight: 110 lb. or so
Shoe size: 9
Blood type: Don't know
Handedness: Right

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): English (fluent)
Other languages: Spanish (surprisingly bad, considering how long I was learning it); French (not at all); Latin (not much); Russian (not at all); Old English (I can translate things decently with the help of a good glossary); Swedish (just started learning on Duolingo)
Your conlangs: Currently my primary project is Proto-lajbɦos and its descendants: http://github.com/zyxw59/ljb; I recently started working on a Latin ripoff for a D&D setting I'm building, but I'm not holding it to the standards I'd normally apply to a conlang.
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: Old Norse, Attic Greek, Sanskrit, Chinese

Favourite colour: Purple
Favourite food: Olives, pickles, garlic
Favourite drink: Water
Favourite animal: Pigeon
Favourite movie: Playtime
Favourite video game: Mini Metro? I don't play video games that much.
Favourite non-video game: I like Dominion when I'm not playing against someone who's way better than me.
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by finlay »

Username: finlay
Name: Finlay
Other nicknames (including good stories, if you have any): Some people call me Fin
Birthplace: Edinburgh, Scotland
Place of residence: western Tokyo, Japan
Any particular reason you live there now? Seemed like a good idea 7 years ago
Occupation: teaching English to hapless Japanese businessmen
Pets (+5 extra credit if you provide photographic evidence): no. my stepdad has a cat though
2015-07-01-22.35.03-c.jpg (65.5 KiB) Viewed 41984 times
Gender: Male i suppose
Sexuality: Gay
Relationship: Almost six years with the guy holding the cat
Nationality: UK & Canadian (by a fluke of my mum's birth)
Ethnicity: white
Religion: Non-religious / Agnostic
Politics: lazy radical leftist

Age: 30 now
Height: 168 cm
Weight: :? Been gaining weight this year
Shoe size: 27, 43, 9, 10, i just don't know at this point and just have to try on shoes till they fit. also my feet are wider than average for japan even though they're just in the standard range for length
Blood type: Don't know but not O
Handedness: Mostly right

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): English
Other languages:
  • Japanese (got N3 in the JLPT in 2014, perhaps now a self-assessed B2 in the European scale)
  • French (realistically A2 but I can usually read articles and short texts, and my level used to be higher)
  • German (A1)
  • Latin (studied in school until I was 17)
  • can write and understand bits and pieces in Dutch
Your conlangs: I haven't really worked on them recently :oops: The main one at the moment is Yaufulti
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: Ithkuil, Lojban, Russian, Finnish, Turkish, Gaelic, and like all the others too but unfortunately time on this earth is limited

Favourite language: I guess Japanese, but I still have a strong love-hate relationship with kanji especially. I quite like the sound of so-called gutturals, though, so I quite like the assonance of Gaelic and Dutch
Favourite colour: Changes every day... um... purple?
Favourite food: Curry, or as those who follow me on FB know, chocolate
Favourite drink: IRN-BRU u savages!
Favourite animal: Apparently I like owls and pandas
Favourite sport: Skiing, cycling. Solitary shiz
Favourite book: Northern Lights by Philip Pullman. Of recent years, Embassytown by China Miéville and The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman stand out. And I'm partial to some longer-running series too - Harry Potter, Tintin, Discworld, for example.
Favourite movie: The Incredibles or The Fifth Element
Favourite video game: Starc- oh who am i kidding it's always gonna be Lemmings
Favourite non-video game: Chess, Scrabble, Cards against humanity is fun but it's too easy to actually cause offence

Extra Credit
1) Link to the funniest picture you know of on the internet that isn't goatse or in the same spirit.
2) What's the most interesting place you've ever been to? Jungfraujoch, Switzerland; the Ninja Temple in Kanazawa
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by malloc »

Username: Malloc (named for a function in the C programming language which I have always thought sounds like a good name for a villain)
Birthplace: St Charles, Missouri, USA
Place of residence: St Charles, Missouri, USA
Occupation: Menial laborer at silicon wafer factory
Pets (+5 extra credit if you provide photographic evidence): none

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationship: None
Nationality: USA
Ethnicity: German, Scottish, and Polish ancestry mostly
Religion: Atheist
Politics: Left wing, sympathetic to anarcho-communism but kind of disillusioned with politics these days

Age: 31
Height: 168cm / 5'6"
Weight: 45 kg / 100lb
Shoe size: 9 in US units
Blood type: A+
Handedness: right

Native language(s): English
Other languages: Vaguely familiar with Spanish but basically monolingual :oops:
Your conlangs: Redspeech (my main project now), Terpish (long on the back burner)
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once:

Favorite language: Kalaallisut / Greenlandic
Favorite color: Some form of green, like cyan or jade
Favorite food: Pasta with vegan pesto sauce
Favorite drink: Espresso with coconut milk
Favorite animal: Luna moth
Favorite sport: None
Favorite book: 1984
Favorite movie: Star Wars
Favorite video game: Civilization
Favorite non-video game: None (maybe Pokémon cards ages ago)
Favorite record: Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by sangi39 »


Username: Sangi39
Name: Marc
Other nicknames (including good stories, if you have any): -
Birthplace: Norwich, UK
Place of residence: Somewhere in North Yorkshire, UK
Any particular reason you live there now? My dad used to work at the nearby RAF base, parents bought a house locally since he was due to retire after a few years. I moved out for university, then loooooong story, had to move back in.
Occupation: Employee for "an international group of independently owned and operated retailers and wholesalers"
Pets: That are actually mine in this house - one ten-year-old Bearded Dragon (His Holiness, a.k.a. Benny), two four-month-old Bearded Dragons (Rhaegal and Viserion), one two-year old Leopard Gecko (Kami), and one five-year-old Royal Python (Svafnir)


Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship: None
Nationality: British (I want people to start saying "Yooker", though, just because it sounds fun [:P] )
Ethnicity: White
Religion: Atheist


Age and date of birth: 2nd August, 1989, so 28 years ol right now.
Height: 5'6", I think.
Weight: 16st ish
Shoe size: 9
Blood type: O+
Handedness: Right-handed


Native language(s): English
Other languages: Effectively none beyond trivial familiarity
Your conlangs: That have a decent sized chunk of work? Maybe Proto-Sirdic, Proto-Skawlas and Lesi Kirra, but I'm filling out a conworld at the moment, so not much actual progress there.
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: Allllll of theeemmm


Favourite language: Icelandic
Favourite colour: Black
Favourite food: Possibly lasagna
Favourite drink: Rum at the moment
Favourite animal: - (probably some sort of snake)
Favourite sport: Not really into anything beyond international Rugby Union (Six Nations and World Cup)
Favourite book: Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett
Favourite movie: Serenity
Favourite video game: Probably Minecraft, but for some reason my laptop can't play it without severe lag issues, so haven't played in ages
Favourite non-video game: Probably Carcassonne

Extra Credit

1) Link to the funniest picture you know of on the internet: -
2) What's the most interesting place you've ever been to? Iceland (bloody love that country!). Specifically the Eistnaflug (metal) music festival in Neskaupstaður on the east side of the island. Met some really awesome people out there last year and want to go back next year)
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by zompist »

Ah well, haven't done one of these in, as the Brits say, yonks.

Username: zompist
Name: Mark Rosenfelder
Other nicknames (including good stories, if you have any): Horselover Fat (back in the DFC days)
Birthplace: Lagrange, IL (my brother likes to say I was born in a barn)
Place of residence: Oak Park IL
Any particular reason you live there now? Nice town, close to the city and to where I used to work
Occupation: I are a writer
Pets (+5 extra credit if you provide photographic evidence): None. As a kid, we had dogs.

Gender: Male, mostly
Sexuality: Het
Relationship: Marrried
Nationality: US
Ethnicity: German and Norwegian
Religion: Agnostic, earlier Christian, earlier atheist
Politics: between liberal and democratic socialist

Age and date of birth: 3423 Z.E.
Height: 6' 3"
Handedness: Right

Languages (including level of fluency!)
Native language(s): English
Other languages: French, Spanish, Portuguese, Quechua, Mandarin, Esperanto; (low level) Russian, Old Chinese; (studied but it never sinks in) Sanskrit, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Swahili
Your conlangs: besides the ones on zompist.com, about 10 for clients, plus Hanying
Natlangs or conlangs you have interest in but have never actually learned any of aside from maybe reading a paper on it once: Always wanted to know Hebrew.... might have to work on it for an upcoming book

Favourite language: Whatever I've studied or created last.
Favourite colour: Red. No, violet (thrown off the Bridge of Death)
Favourite food: Peanut butter cups
Favourite drink: Coffee
Favourite animal: I think tunicates don't get enough respect
Favourite sport: Um, Overwatch League
Favourite book: I think I can narrow it down to one of the thousand in my office
Favourite movie: Holy Grail comes close
Favourite video game: Overwatch; Arkham City; Saints Row 3/4; Civ II; Borderlands
Favourite non-video game: most played is chess, but that was long ago

Extra Credit
2) What's the most interesting place you've ever been to? Most fun, Montréal; most out-of-the-way, Iquitos, Peru
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by Pabappa »

Mines kind of skimpy ... I might edit this later with more info but probably not.

Username: Pabappa (but for a long time earlier, "Soap")
Birthplace: Boston, Massachusetts
Place of residence: Maine, USA

Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White
Religion: Eclectic .... culturally Christian but spiritually independent.

Age and date of birth: 36
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 181 lb (BMI=31)

Native language(s): English
Your conlangs: Pabappa, Poswa, and others

Favourite language: Spanish, perhaps because my brain has internalized it as the "default" foreign language and i like familiarity
Favourite colour: I like color combinations more than I like individual colors but i have to pick individuals i pick this red, this yellow, and shades of blue and green that can't be displayed well on a computer monitor (think Crayola "jungle green"). The "Post Reply" button caught my eye early on
Favourite drink: icecream + wine + fruit-flavored seltzer. This is also my favorite food
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by Vijay »

I mostly just copied my answers from last time.

Username: Vijay
Name: Also Vijay (last name John. Yes, last name! :P)
Other nicknames (including good stories, if you have any): Too many nicknames and good stories to list
Birthplace: Cleveland, Ohio, US
Place of residence: Austin, Texas, US
Any particular reason you live there now? My dad got transferred first from Cleveland to St. Louis, then from there to Austin, where he finally quit his job and started his own company. The weather here is much more preferable to him than it is in most other parts of the US since it resembles Kerala a lot more.
Occupation: Currently unemployed
Pets (+5 extra credit if you provide photographic evidence): None at the moment, one Siamese Fighting Fish named Kheeo when I was a teenager

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Unsure, probably either bi or pan, though also closeted, at least when it comes to family
Relationship: None
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: Indian (Malayalee)
Religion: Atheist
Politics: Liberal, I guess.

Age: 27
Height: Dunno, maybe 5'11"?
Weight, shoe size: Don't remember
Blood type: O
Handedness: Right

(Language stuff in my case is kind of complicated, so skipping that. I certainly don't mind talking about it, though).

Favourites - only 1 each!
Favourite color: Blue
Favourite drink: Water

Extra Credit
1) Link to the funniest picture you know of on the internet that isn't goatse or in the same spirit. Remain insane in the chow [mejn]! (P. S. Vote Leave)
2) What's the most interesting place you've ever been to? The slum in Chennai where my uncle used to live.
Last edited by Vijay on Sat Apr 03, 2021 2:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ZBB Census 2018

Post by missals »

Last edited by missals on Fri Jul 21, 2023 2:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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